Stress affects us all. Whether it’s pressure at work, money worries or emotional issues, the stresses and strains of life accumulate, taking a toll on our bodies and minds. Headaches, insomnia, depression, burnout, heart disease – all are linked to chronic stress. Yet, too often, the remedies we’re offered simply mask the symptoms. So what’s the solution? Yoga. Not only does this amazing system of mind and body exercise help release physical tension, it’s also proven to trigger chemical changes in the brain that protect you from stress and bring you into balance. Yoga can also improve sleep, lift mood, ease headaches and relieve neck and shoulder pain. Meanwhile, yogic breathing and meditation techniques slow your heart rate, regulate blood pressure and create inner calm. Yoga is the perfect self-care package and all you need is just 10 minutes a day. In Relieve Stress With Yoga, you’ll find an expert, step-by-step guide to the best stress-busting yoga poses and sequences for a busy life, plus easy effective breathing exercises and meditations. Start today and discover the benefits. Here’s to a happy, stress-free you!
Relieve Stress With Yoga
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK • Can’t wait to de-stress with yoga? Follow these instructions to ensure you get the most from your guide
STRESS SOS • With stress and anxiety at an all time high, the ancient practice of yoga can help bring balance to our modern-day life
Yoga benefits • This ancient system of exercise works on every area of your body to calm, restore and revitalise you. Here’s some of the magic it performs
BEAT STRESS WITH YOGA • Feeling frazzled? We have the solution! Discover the research-backed benefits of yoga for relieving stress and anxiety – including how it relaxes your mind and body on a cellular level
YOUR YOGA TOOLKIT • Yoga’s not just about the poses – it has four key principles that create a complete mind and body practice for creating calm
SUPPORT YOUR BODY • Discover the props and kit that will help enhance yoga’s stress-busting benefits
BALANCE YOUR BODY • Ready to start your yoga journey? Turn the page to discover the breathing techniques and simple warm-up moves that will prepare your body and mind to practise the poses. Not only will they help you get more from your time on the mat, they can also boost your wellbeing in daily life. Learning to tune into your breath can help you stay calm when things get stressful. Meanwhile, the simple mobility moves will keep your body supple and free of the tension that can accumulate during our busy lives. So put 10 minutes aside and give them a try today!
BREATHING BASICS • Learning to breathe properly will deepen your yoga practice and help you beat stress. Here’s how to do it
Stress-proof your body • Warming up before your yoga session not only helps maximise the rewards you get from your practice, the moves can also protect your body from the symptoms of stress
BALANCE YOUR BODY • Now you’ve learnt the theory, it’s time to try some yoga poses! On the following pages, you’ll find some of the best, stress-busting yoga poses and sequences for body and mind. We start with a series of classic Sun salutation poses that are a great way to begin your practice or start your day. Linking your body and mind through the breath, these postures rejuvenate your whole being, stretching away stress and bringing in new energy. First practise the step-by step posture guides, then choose one of the sequences to suit your needs. Enjoy!
GROUND YOURSELF • When you’ve got a busy day ahead, starting your morning with 10 minutes of yoga can make all the difference to how you feel. By connecting you with your breath and bringing you into the moment, yoga helps you set a positive intention for your day. Meanwhile stretching...